5 mistakes that healthcare
businesses Make with Their Marketing

and how to fix them
with these 5 actionable tips !

Are you struggling to generate consistent leads, bookings and sales through your website?   Don’t worry, as more than 50% of healthcare business owners and practice managers are having the same issue with their marketing.   Now it’s the time to transform your business and take it to the next level with marketing that really works.  Download the guide!

Download this guide

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Responsible: Toni Navarro Consulting LTD

Purpose: To manage the sending of marketing and communication notifications.

Legitimation: Consent of the interested party.

Recipients: The electronic bulletins or newsletters are managed by entities whose headquarters and servers are located within the EU territory or by entities covered by the EU-US Privacy Shield agreement, complying with the precepts of the European Data Protection Regulation in terms of privacy and security.

Rights: Access, rectify and delete data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information.

Who is this guide for?


For healthcare business owners looking to learn some marketing themselves or for their team.


For healthcare marketers who need new fresh ideas and they are looking to train themselves to help their clients.


Practice managers are incredibly busy, but sometimes they need to take care of some marketing and operational tasks, so this guide will help them too.


What's is in the guide?

This is not just like any other guide, it’s a resource with actionable and useful advice for your business, which includes: 


wHO IS Toni Navarro?

Digital Marketing & Trainer with over 10 years of experience.

My mission is to help healthcare business owners like you to define and implement effective marketing strategies to attract your ideal clients (currently says their), engage with them and to ultimately convert  them into your actual clients, with key focus on driving sales and increased ROI
In the past 5 years, me and my team have helped more than 40 businesses to get better results with marketing

Toni Navarro - healthcare marketing Expert

What people said about Toni Navarro


We’ve attended Toni’s SEO healthcare sessions and have found them really beneficial! He goes the extra mile to help you understand the world of SEO and to help you grow your business.

Mary Kate Joyner
marketing & Operations
Manager at Physiquipe

Since I hired Toni Navarro Digital Marketing Services, we’ve been generating more quality traffic and leads, and more importantly, it has brought more online bookings to our clinic every month and growing. I would highly recommend working with Toni as he is experienced, reliable and he puts so much effort into getting the best results for my business.


Ryszard Buk
CEO of Matrix Physiotherapy


Are you looking to learn more?

We run a community of healthcare business owners who are looking to thrive with Marketing, you can follow us on social media and join our free Facebook Group here as well. 

join our private facebook group
and follow us on instagram for
more content!

How can we help you?

Responsible: Toni Navarro Purpose: To provide the requested service and answer the questions posed Legitimation: Consent of the interested party by accepting the privacy policy. Rights: Access, rectify and delete data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information.


Responsable: Toni Navarro Finalidad: Prestarle el servicio solicitado y contestar a las cuestiones planteadas Legitimación: Consentimiento del interesado aceptando la política de privacidad. Derechos: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, como se explica en la información adicional.